The Latest From Each Topic

From the President

Global Programs

MAT Program

Meet Brock

Five-year-old Brock was a “beautiful, chubby baby,” according to his mom, Emily. But once he transitioned off formula, he couldn’t tolerate solid foods and wasn’t gaining weight. “He kept growing taller but getting thinner and thinner,” said Emily. Doctors in Brock’s rural Illinois hometown were

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Soar into STEM

SOAR into STEM Helps Launch Student’s Future

Lisha Maganti is headed off to the University of Colorado Boulder in the fall to study aerospace engineering. Although the Marquette High School graduate always knew she wanted to study engineering, she credits Wings of Hope with steering her toward aerospace. “Before working with Wings

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Volunteer Spotlight

Leslie Cuppett, MAT Pilot

Being Wings of Hope’s only woman pilot seems notable — to just about everyone besides the pilot in question. After all, this isn’t the first time Leslie Cuppett has been the only woman in the room. She was the only woman in the aviation classes

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Event Recap

Wings of Hope Gala Hits New Heights

The Wings of Hope Soaring to New Heights Gala presented by FabickCat lived up to its name on Saturday, April 6, when 225 guests gathered at the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac to celebrate the organization’s mission-critical work of changing and saving lives through the power

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Sister Gives Brother Raffle Prize!

Most people who purchase tickets to our biannual airplane raffles are hoping to win the grand prize: a plane. But a raffle ticket also buys a chance to win one of three additional prizes including a PPL (private pilot license) or advanced training scholarship. Brother

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Wings of Hope Supporters

Board & Staff

Honorary Council

Meet Patty and Barrington!

Wings of Hope is honored and excited to welcome Patty Wagstaff and Barrington Irving to our Honorary Council. Both are esteemed pilots whose feats in the air push the limits of aviation performance. But what makes them such great ambassadors for Wings of Hope is

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Young Ambassadors


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