The Young Ambassadors had their most important meeting to date when they gathered at the World Trade Center in Clayton on May 24 to choose the Wings of Hope’s international field site they would support in 2016. Wings of Hope staff, including Don Hamblen and Laura Helling, presented about their firsthand experiences witnessing the impact of microcredit loans in Kenya and scholarships in Cambodia. When five field sites had been presented, members voted by placing a pin on a world map – marking the field site of their choice. The most votes were cast for Nicaragua, supporting a sustainable chicken program at a women’s shelter and orphanage in Puerto Cabezas. The Young Ambassadors have already raised $2,000 of the $3,000 they will devote to launching this pilot program.
Wings of Hope Young Ambassadors staff liaison Jessica Watson said, “I was really proud of the level of participation among Young Ambassadors, some of whom even voted online if they were unable to attend. It was clear from their questions that they were engaged and thoughtful about the impact of their support, and took their choice very seriously.”