In 2013, we started mailing you an annual appeal during the holiday season. That first year, we kept our expectations low. We already had the most generous donors in the world: How much more could we ask? Well, you blew the lid off our expectations and contributed $29,468. We were so grateful and humbled by your outpouring of support. Our needs continued to grow in 2014, so we sent out our second annual appeal that December. Again, we worried that you would grow weary of our appeals. And, again, you proved us wrong by donating $51,777. In 2015, you continued to dig deep — donating a whopping $74,298.27. Fast forward to 2016, and, once more, you floored us with your generosity — donating nearly $100,000 ($99,929.97 to be exact)! Looking back on the success of this campaign over these past four years, we realize that our first assumption was right: we do have the most generous donors in the world. Your generosity is a blessing to Wings of Hope — and to the thousands of people we serve every year all over the globe. Thank you!