Chicken Project Hatches in Nicaragua

For a number of years, our work in Nicaragua has centered on providing medevac services to the indigenous Miskito people living in remote villages. In August, Adventist World Aviation (AWA) took over this service when we sent our pilot TJ to Belize. But our work in Nicaragua continues. When TJ was working in Nicaragua, a local orphanage run by the Verbo Church provided him housing. The orphanage struggles to feed the 150 children living there on a shoestring budget. With the support of our Young Ambassadors, who raised $3,000 to get the project started, we now support a “chicken project” to provide the children with a sustainable source of eggs and meat. Our friends at the orphanage built a simple, but sturdy, coop — and the hens are already producing a bountiful supply of eggs. We are so “egg-cited” to see this project grow!

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